Watch the trailer of the new video game of Tron: Identity

Tron: Identity weaves an interesting detective story that expands the franchise mythos. Tron: Identity takes place “in a world where Flynn created an Ark, where Flynn created a second grid for them to go to, promising that he’d come back,” according to the game’s director, Mike Bithell. Tron: Identity is a mystery visual novel.

The game contains a lot of what makes a visual novel good but also feels constrained by its nature as a short story and limited locales to visit. Fans of everything Tron will find an enjoyable experience for a few hours, but anyone not a fan of the IP or visual novels likely won’t find much to keep their attention.

Tron: Identity is available now on PC and Switch.


TRON: Identity is a visual novel adventure following Query, a detective program tasked with uncovering the mystery of what was taken and by whom. Finding yourself in a world built on unstable foundations and filled with whispered knowledge, it’s up to you to question suspects and investigate your surroundings to piece together the truth.


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