Sniper Elite 5 Cinematic Trailer and Release Date

Sniper Elite 5 will release on Xbox Game Pass, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 4 & 5, Epic Games Store, Steam, and Windows Store in 2022.


Upcoming Sniper Elite 5 has a new trailer showing off a new take on multiplayer with all-new invasion mode.

A new cinematic trailer for the recently announced Sniper Elite 5 shows PvP sniping in its new Invasion mode. As reported by Polygon, if those playing the main campaign allow, players can enter another’s game and snipe the protagonist before they have the chance to complete the mission.

Invasion mode, which has not been previously seen in a Sniper Elite game, will allow players named an Axis Sniper to attempt to thwart the main objective. This can add extra challenge and replayability for seasoned players.

Not only will players reap the rewards of a hard day’s work, but both Axis and Ally players will also receive new abilities. Allies will receive the Eagle Eyes perk which marks the Axis sniper on the map at their last known location when spotted. While Axis players will gain the Stay Sharp command which increases NPC awareness adding difficulty for the ally.

The Invasion Mode will also be available to those playing co-op in the main campaign. This means that it might be down to one Axis Sniper to take down two Allies. If players attempt this they will receive even greater awards. Everyone who decides to participate in Invasion Mode will receive a variable XP boost.

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