Palworld Just Got Its Biggest Update

Palworld is dominating the gaming industry. Mere weeks from its Early Access release, the survival and creature-capturing game has over 19 million players across Steam, Windows PC, and Xbox Series X|S, thanks in part to the game being part of Xbox Game Pass. It is the most-played game on Steam, surpassing previously unbeaten titles, and its numbers keep growing daily.

Today, players on Steam will be able to download the game’s v0.1.4.0 patch, which brings with it very needed fixes to several features: there are fixes for common crash issues, glitches, Pal behaviors, and more. More importantly, the developers have started working on fixing severe game-breaking issues in which certain players’ save data would get corrupted after gathering a certain number of Pals.

Major Fixes

・Fixed an issue where the game would crash under certain conditions

・Fixed an issue where if another player’s pal/base pal had HP 30% or less, it could be captured by using a sphere.

・Fixed an issue where enemy pals would get stuck in walls due to charge attacks.

・Implemented the first fix for an issue where the game would always crash and save data would be corrupted when the guild’s total number of pals captured reached around 7000.

*The game no longer crashes even if the total number of captured objects exceeds 7000.

However, save data that has already been in this state (in the case of a server, the server’s world data) before this update will still be unable to load.

We are continuing to work on fixing this issue permanently.

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Player Issues

・Fixed an issue where players on dedicated servers and co-op (online) were receiving damage twice.

・Specifications have been changed so that you can move at extremely low speed even when you have exceeded the weight limit.

・Players will no longer pass through walls when dismounting.

・Fixed an issue where capture power strengthened by Lifmunk Effigies was reset when using memory reset drugs.

・Fixed an issue where armor could be equipped in the wrong slot.

・Adjusted camera positions of several Pals to make it easier to see when mounted.