Fitness Boxing Fist of the North Star announced for Switch

Fitness Boxing Fist of the North Star was announced during Tuesday’s Nintendo Direct; it launches in March 2023. In the teaser, players got to see the game’s exercise mode, in which the beefy hero Kenshiro, among others, will serve as your instructor. From there, players can punch their way through waves of enemies in Battle Mode. Then there are Boss Battles, more intense one-on-one throwdowns with tougher foes, such as Jaggi.

Here’s an overview:

For resolving lack of daily exercise and strengthening your physical strength!

You can enjoy authentic exercise in the world of “Fist of the North Star” without changing the functions of “Fitness Boxing”!

Familiar characters such as Kenshiro become your instructors!
In addition, a new battle mode against rivals has been introduced, allowing you to enjoy the exercise with enhanced action gameplay.


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