A child develops a The Mandalorian video game, knows this magical story.

A Dutch video game developer contacted the Make-a-Wish organization to grant a wish to a child with a serious illness: to design his own video game based on The Mandalorian series. Luc is a “huge fan of The Mandalorian and video games, so we’ve created a game from the series together,” KenNL wrote in a Reddit thread. “I contacted Make-a-Wish after they told a colleague that they were looking for someone to develop video games. He had granted another wish before and was delighted to do so again. Luc came that day and together we created this game. He told me what to draw and what to program, and I took the opportunity to teach him a bit of programming ”.
The game is a 2D platformer set in the Star Wars universe with five levels designed by Luc himself. The player controls Mando, who always advances accompanied by the kid. Along the way, Mando has to jump on his own ship, the Razor Crest, and kill a few Stormtroopers, as well as face the terrifying Moff Gideon (“according to Luc, it wouldn’t be a good Mandalorian game without Moff Gideon”). Unfortunately, it is not a game that we will be able to test. KenNL (which has a small studio for sprites, 3D models, and public domain sound effects for video games) confirmed that it would not publish the game due to copyright concerns. And it is that, although it is a small game created for a good cause, Disney takes good care of its intellectual property.
Today Luc visited to work on our Mandalorian game! He put me to work creating assets like stormtroopers, the Razor Crest, Moff Gideon. The game has 5 levels plus an end boss! You can’t play it though, Luc is in the only one in the world to own this game. 🧡 #gamedev #makeawish pic.twitter.com/CzslfYnbun
— Kenney (@KenneyNL) November 27, 2020