60 Seconds of Terror: New Trailer Drops for Alone in the Dark!

Discover the chilling world of survival horror in THQ Nordic’s latest release, Alone in the Dark, with their new trailer showcasing ‘all you need to know in 60 seconds.’ Prepare to immerse yourself in a heart-pounding adventure as you navigate through the darkness and uncover the secrets that lie within. Get ready for a spine-tingling experience like never before!
THQ Nordic has a new trailer out this morning for Alone In The Dark, as they give fans a pretty good breakdown that lasts about a minute. The trailer has been designed to tell you everything you need to know about this reimagining of the original ’90s title, showing off all aspects of this new version. Hence, you have a better understanding of what it’s about. All compacted into 60 seconds. Well, less than 60, they tease the pre-order at the end. Enjoy the trailer here, as they will release the game on March 20 for PC, PS5, and XSX|S.

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