Watch these Rebels and Clone Wars chapters to understand The Mandalorian

Become an expert on all things Mandalore and make sure you watch these Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels episodes.
Clone Wars episodes
The Clone Wars season 2, episodes 12-14
The first Mandalore arc in The Clone Wars begins with season 2, episode 12 “The Mandalore Plot,” where Obi-Wan Kenobi heads to the planet to investigate rumors of a resurgence of a Mandalorian splinter group called Death Watch. At this point, Mandalore is ruled by a pacifist government led by Duchess Satine Kryze, put in place after the New Mandalorian peace movement defeated traditionalists who sought to continue the planet’s history of warmongering. New Mandalore is neutral in the Clone Wars, but Death Watch aligns themselves with Separatist leader Count Dooku and attempts to stage a coup against Satine. These three episodes will give you some great insight into Mandalore’s conflicted and bloody history ahead of more Mandalore-centric stories to come.
The Clone Wars season 5, episodes 14-16
This three-episode arc is essential to understanding the Mandalorians’ role in the Clone Wars, and how often the planet and its people seem to be perpetually caught in-between conflicts. It’s by far the most important arc about Mandalore. Darth Maul and his brother, Savage Opress, are building their crime syndicate and use Mandalore as a base of operations, pulling Death Watch members into their circuit. It’s at this point that the Duchess Satine’s sister, Bo-Katan Kryze, herself a member of Death Watch, becomes the leader of a faction of dissidents. This is also when Darth Maul claims the Darksaber from Pre Viszla, the Death Watch leader voiced by The Mandalorian creator Jon Favreau.
The Clone Wars season 7, episodes 9 and 10
The final season of The Clone Wars has an important Mandalorian arc that involves Ahsoka Tano and Bo-Katan working together to overthrow Darth Maul’s reign on Mandalore. Considering Bo-Katan and Ahsoka are rumored to be in The Mandalorian season 2, the dynamics of this duo give us some insight into how the two may interact in the live-action series. While much of these two episodes focus on Ahsoka and Maul, the Siege of Mandalore is an important Clone Wars battle, and one that will shape the planet’s future.
The rebels episodes
Star Wars Rebels season 3, episodes 15 and 16
Even though the entire series has a Mandalorian as a main character (Sabine Wren), there are certain Rebels episodes that are key, and this two-episode arc is one of them. It explains some deep Mandalore/Jedi lore, and puts the Darksaber back in the hands of a Mandalorian – the aforementioned Sabine Wren, who returns to her family in an attempt to free Mandalore from Imperial rule. The second episode in this arc, “The Legacy of Mandalore” explains Mandalorian houses and clans, which will help you understand Din Djarin and Baby Yoda’s clan of two. Daw.
Star Wars Rebels season 4, episode 1 and 2
There’s a whole lot of Mandalore in these two episodes, aptly titled “Heroes of Mandalore Part 1 and 2.” Sabine, wielding the Darksaber, leads a mission to free her father (and the planet) from the Empire’s clutches. What ultimately happens explains why the Mandalorians of the Disney Plus original series hates the Empire so much – it’s brutal. The second episode in this arc brings back Bo-Katan, who receives the Darksaber from Sabine in what seems to be a happy ending. Unfortunately, we know that somehow Moff Gideon gets that Darksaber and the people of Mandalore end up in hiding. They can’t catch a break.