DC Reveals a New Robin

When you join the bat family in Batman you usually start from the bottom. For a few of them that mean Robin. A position that has become well known to fans as someone just starting as Batman side kick. Well, DC has showed us a new one taking up the mantle in one of there sides stories.
Batman and Cat woman are an item and in one series we see that continue with Batman/Catwoman Special #1. The volume follows the 2 as up till Seina gets pregnant. Their first child Helena would later become Bat Woman but as I said will have to start as a Robin. Something that we see was not seen as a good idea by her mother.
The new issue follows the life of Catwoman essentially from start to finish, leaping ahead a few years every couple of pages, and focusing on how her life has been interlinked with Batman’s since she was a young girl. Eventually, we see the domesticity play out between the two, with Selina eventually becoming pregnant and giving birth to Helena (operating in the future as Batwoman in the Batman/Catwoman limited series. Today’s special catch up to Helena’s teenage years at a certain point, revealing that her parents disagree about bringing her out into the field, only for Bruce to have his way and to make her the new Robin, fighting alongside both her mother and father. See for yourself below.
Tragically we never get a full look at her Robin costume, but we do learn that her full name in this potential future is “Helena Alfreda Wayne.” There’s also a tender moment between she and her mother, wherein Helena repeats a mantra that her mother has instilled in her for her time-fighting crime, “If I see The Joker, run the other way,” which she repeats three times.
You can find the full solicit and cover art for the issue below.