An Unauthorized Detailed Account of GOTHAM: 1919-1939 amazingly reinvents an entire concept

The premiere of THE BATMAN in theaters has been a success, to the delight of many and the displeasure of others, the film shows us a new version of this night watchman, a news story, a new audiovisual narrative by Matt Reeves.
Batman is a very moldable character in many aspects, starting with his costume that has had endless variations from other worlds and other universes, the same thing happens with his comic stories and his animated series, each of these works have contributed a lot to the character and has satisfied his followers.
When the latter has an original and interesting proposal, carrying it out and developing it requires a lot of time and work, taking into account that they do not have the direct support of the publisher that owns the rights, but others manage to see the light and reach their distribution pages or those of others on the internet.
This is the case of a book that has been put up for sale online and that reviews the character but with the peculiarity that it is set in another era, An Unauthorized Detailed Account of GOTHAM: No 1919-1939 is the title of this work that in turn has a “false” documentary where we are told audiovisually how the process of writing it has been and its impressive photographs.
Most Batman fans know that he made his appearance for the first time in Detective Comics #27 in the year 1939, created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger, which has been in force and with stable success ever since. this book is what if this character was a historical figure in our reality? interesting question, taking a character of this level and style and placing him in our world is a difficult job because it must be handled with great care so that it is extraordinarily believable, that what we see and read have the exact chronology of historical events in where a city like Gotham can be found, with all its structure and violence.
With this question, the scoop of An Unauthorized Detailed Account of GOTHAM: 1919-1939 is presented. This book presents a narrative and photographic work where we can see the biographies of the main characters in the world of Batman and his allies, as well as his gallery of his most important villains with the city of Gotham as a framework, this fictional story has now become a “fake” documentary that is divided into chapters of approximately 20 minutes each or a feature film with all its content lasting more than 2 hours.
Let’s go by parts, the book has a series of photographs in black and white, in black and sepia and in color very much in the vintage style, very typical of that time and with its treatment so that they look old and worn, we can see that the whole concept that has a structure, appearance, and feeling that what we are seeing is real from the beginning of the 20th century, its presentation is what is called a coffee table book, hardcover with dust cover and contains as an extra an independent photograph of what it would be a Justice League of “that” time.
An Unauthorized Detailed Account of GOTHAM: 1919-1939 is not just any work, it is more than that, it is a sample of the stories of Batman and his gallery of villains set in the post-war era; a reliable demonstration of how important it is to have smart writing in your story and the perfect images and chords that make an impact on the readers so that we believe that this is redefining an icon and more than 80 years of a concept that has been evolving, so much so what, they have presented him to us from the time of the caves until in his future versions maintaining and rigorously respecting the bases of the character.
Being objective, we must recognize that the most intelligent thing about this book is that it uses the post-war period to narrate that this city, as well as its citizens, have always been part of world history, that along with this, what has been happening from 1919 to 1939, that there is a character who has faced crime and who seems to be the urban legend of a certain BAT-MAN who dresses in a suit that emulates these chiropterans commonly known as bats, of an order of Placental mammals whose upper extremities developed into wings and who can fly at night arousing fear in those who encounter them, the appearance of this vigilante from Gotham City to Gotham City marks a watershed era for the shift in criminal power dynamics as well as of the corrupt politics behind it that extends from the highest echelons of this society into its dark alleys, with murders, armed robberies, bills, pickpockets, it seems that no one was safe from this violent wave.
As was well said, the post-war period is the perfect scenario, many things happened to the soldiers who returned to their cities, to their homes with their families, traumas, mental damage, paranoia among many other mental illnesses suffered by these anonymous “heroes” who They had been on the battlefield fighting, of course, a stupid and senseless war in which many of them died and others were left with physical consequences, men whom society abandoned and whose country did not recognize this effort to fulfill a forced assignment and return home, many of them who were victims of abandonment and not having a home and a job turned to crime and in this story, Gotham City is no exception.
This mafia created by criminals and corrupts fits perfectly well with the gallery of classic villains that we already know as The Joker and Harvey Dent They have very specific aspects of the war as the thematic representation of their famous character elements and their visual aspect, for, For example, the Joker’s twisted grin is contextualized here as a crude and cruel reflection of a post-war country, a facade to distract his mind from the true nature of what happened during the previous years and how this affected his personality transforming him. into a criminal and murderer who finds everything funny and who plays and makes fun of his actions regardless of the consequences for the third parties, he has affected.
However, one of the things that are missing is the fact that more images account for representing real events that occurred during certain periods, involving these characters in political and social conflicts, or dedicating more pages to exploring the era of the Great Depression and its effects in Gotham City and how this was the trigger for crime and violence to take over the streets and the inhabitants of this city, how politics was handled after the war and the effects that this caused in the population, of the restrictions and the shortage of food as well as basic services, how is it that great fortunes were amassed in a historical moment in which nothing was clear and much less, what a country like this would do to remedy this situation.
The emergence of this figure called by some BAT-MAN serves as an escape valve to make something completely real out of something unreal that justifies its actions very well and that has a well thought out idea of where it is going but above all, that it has more than It is clear that showing this character in this way is a change that enriches the popular culture to which he belongs, that takes him out of one concept and puts him in a completely different one and that is very much on a par with great works in comics and even in films.
It must be recognized that they have invested a great deal of time and effort in this, as well as a detailed study of the time, intelligently describing their characters, as well as the concept of their images, which they plan to expand on in sequels and spin-offs, such as the Suicide Squad that is presented in the last pages, along with this they will also put on sale between this 2022 and 2023 the so-called An Unauthorized Detailed Account of METROPOLIS: 1925-1945 of which there is already a tentative cover and will present a story about the last son of Krypton as well as its characters during the period known as the silent generation that will function as a sequel and parallel story to Gotham.
About the documentary it covers everything done in this work, presenting in more detail the creative and visual process, their costumes and their designs, how little by little they are giving life to these characters in a new and extraordinarily real way, a very decadent and sordid of what happened in 20 years and not only of the hero’s beginnings but also very important facets of his history in the comics such as the confrontation with Bane and his successor Azrael until the Court of Owls, the intervention of the four Robins, Alfred Pennyworth Catwoman, Batgirl and James Gordon, the birth of villains such as Joker, Harley Quinn, The Penguin, The Riddler, Mr. Freeze, Clayface, Scarecrow, the darkness of Arkham Asylum with its detailed history, the transformation of Harvey Dent in Two-Face and how his story is making sense as well as Bruce Wayne’s journey within the framework of the First World War.
Perhaps the fault that it has and I say perhaps it is its duration but we have the option of seeing it all together and subtitled or in parts, in either of these 2 modalities this “false” documentary has a precise narrative very much in the style of History Channel in which we understand Together or separately, what is this great work about? More than paying homage to the character, it is a reinvention of what we already know.
The Giant Panda King publisher’s website quotes the following, “This is a parody book about Batman™ and its characters, they are trademarks of DC Comics. This production is not sponsored, endorsed or affiliated with DC Comics or any of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies and/or third-party licensors.” which gives it a very high value for collectors and readers of this type of material.
In conclusion, when we believe that we have seen it all, or when we believe that such established characters cannot be reinvented, we come across works like this that deserve very strong applause, whether in a book or a documentary, they are a clear example of that it is the fans who understand more about what they want to see than the studios, that a good idea like this can be developed and reach those who appreciate and value this effort that brings all the love to a night watchman who seems to be in his best moment.
The documentary is now available on YouTube at the following link…
And for all those who want to acquire this material in a book that already has its second edition in the following link…