Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance Four Minutes Trailer

The Gundam franchise is set to captivate audiences again with its latest animated series, “Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance.” Premiering on Netflix on October 17, 2024, this six-episode series promises to deliver a fresh perspective on the iconic One Year War, focusing on the European front.

A Fresh Take on a Classic War

“Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance” transports viewers to the heart of the One Year War, a pivotal conflict in the Gundam universe. Unlike previous series, this installment zeroes in on the European theater, offering a unique narrative that explores the intense battles and personal stories of those caught in the crossfire.

Set during the One Year War that formed the backdrop of the original 1979 MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM, this new six-episode original animated series (30 minutes per episode) focuses on the war’s European front and is intended for a global audience. The series will be animated using Unreal Engine 5 and co-produced by SAFEHOUSE.

Innovative Animation and Production

Produced in collaboration with SUNRISE and SAFEHOUSE Inc., the series utilizes Unreal Engine 5 to create breathtaking visuals and dynamic action sequences. Directed by Erasmus Brosdau and written by Gavin Hignight, the show promises to blend cutting-edge technology with compelling storytelling.

Meet the Characters

The series introduces new characters, including the Red Wolf squad, a special forces unit of the Earth Federation, and the UMRC, a medical corps dedicated to saving lives amidst the chaos of war. Fans can expect to see iconic mobile suits like the Zaku and the Gundam in action, bringing the intense battles to life.

A Global Release

“Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance” is designed for a global audience, with a storyline that resonates with longtime fans and newcomers to the Gundam universe3. The series’ worldwide release on Netflix ensures that viewers from all corners of the globe can experience this new chapter in the Gundam saga simultaneously.

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