Alpha Betas Animation From The Studio Behind Rick & Morty



Alpha Betas, a new animated show about a group of gamers sent to do missions in virtual worlds, has released its first trailer.

The show, which is animated by Starburns Industries, stars Evan “VanossGaming” Fong, Marcel “BasicallyIDoWrk” Cunningham, Tyler “I AM WILDCAT” Wine, and Brian “Terroriser” Hanby as a team of gamers tasked with fixing world-ending problems inside of video games in a way that nobody else can. The pilot episode, which the trailer includes footage from, is set to premiere on March 13th over on VanossGaming’s YouTube channel.

According to the reveal, Alpha Betas is set in a world where video games are powering life as we know it thanks to a massive, top-secret CIA program. According to the studio, “the show follows an elite virtual strike force of four top gamers as they drop into the virtual realms of video games to fix potentially world-ending issues. Known as the Alpha Team, these four willfully reckless and dangerously arrogant guys are the tip of a five-hundred billion-dollar US Government spear sent to be heroes in high-octane pixelated worlds.”

The upcoming series is a collaboration of YouTubers in the gaming space such as VanossGaming (Even Fong), BasicallyIDoWrk (Marcel Cunningham), I AM WILDCAT (Tyler Wine), and Terroriser (Brian Hanby).

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