Alien 40th Anniversary Short Film: “Harvest” Directed by Benjamin Howdeshell, the synopsis for "Harvest" reads: "The surviving crew of a damaged deep-space harvester have minutes... Directed by Benjamin Howdeshell, the synopsis for "Harvest" reads: "The surviving crew of a damaged deep-space harvester have minutes... To celebrate Alien's 40th anniversary and in partnership with Tongal, 20th Century Fox is releasing new Alien-universe fan-made short... The 40th anniversary celebration continues this week with the third of six official Alien short films, the latest one titled Alien: Night Shift. ... To celebrate Alien's 40th anniversary and in partnership with Tongal, 20th Century Fox is releasing new Alien-universe fan-made short... To celebrate Alien's 40th anniversary and in partnership with Tongal, 20th Century Fox is releasing new Alien-universe fan-made short...